Physicians for Peace believes in sustainable medical missions. Since its inception in 1989, its healthcare volunteers—physicians, dentists, nurses—have made hundreds of trips to medically underserved regions to provide patient care and to train local medical staff on new procedures and techniques. Its next mission, taking place February 19 - March 3: Cardiac surgery and training in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Peer-to-Peer Match: The Spud will match the first $250 in donations. Donate in any amount directly to Physicians for Peace by Friday and forward your gift confirmation to We'll match the donations in the order we receive the confirmations, up to the first $250. The match will be completed within 24 hours and we'll forward you the matching gift confirmation. Additionally, we'll donate $1 for each new Facebook fan we receive by 11:59PM Friday. To become a fan, click here. The Spud thanks Nilesh Parikh for sponsoring this challenge. UPDATE: This challenge has closed.Photo: Physicians for Peace volunteers at Segou Hospital in Segou, Mali. Credit: Physicians for Peace.