88bikes has an astoundingly simple mission: To provide bikes to kids in developing countries. On a practical level, bikes provide a sustainable means of transportation. 88bikes founders Dan Austin, Nicolas Arauz, and Jared Austin believe bikes can provide another, perhaps even more vital benefit: joy. On their first mission three years ago, they gave 88 bikes to 88 kids at the Palm Tree Orphanage in Cambodia; most recently, they delivered 300 bikes to 300 children rescued from human trafficking in Ghana, India, Nepal, and Vietnam. Help fund their VILLAGES project, whose goal is to provide 500+ bikes for kids in Afghanistan, Tanzania, and other as yet undetermined locations this summer. Peer-to-Peer Match: $88 funds one bike; The Spud will match the first three bikes funded by Friday. Donate directly to 88bikes, then mention The Spud's matching program in an email to donations@88bikes.org. Additionally, we'll donate $1 for each new Facebook fan we receive by 11:59PM Friday. To become a fan, click here. The Spud thanks Laura Lin for sponsoring this challenge. UPDATE: This challenge has closed.
Photo: A child in Vietnam on her new bike. Credit: Dan Austin.